03 dezembro 2004

ouvido: Mercury Rev - All is Dream (2001)

Muitas músicas de Mercury Rev não me atraem muito, por vezes são um pouco pop, mas há umas que saltam a escala e surpreendem imenso. Entre elas (as do All is Dream (ed2k)) encontram-se:

"Tides of the Moon"
(link ed2k)

The threads that run through your live
Hang from your sleeve
Wind through your soul
The kind you can't control
The kind you can't conceive
The kind you can't believe
But wish you could break
Wish you could weave
I wish you could see
It ties you to me

And you fly in the face of the sun
And you float in the tides of the moon

The paths that run from your dark
Climb through the trees
Wind like a snake
The kind you can't escape
The kind you can't conceive
The kind you can't believe
With prickly little thorns
Sharp tiny teeth
They are hungry for the threads
Hanging from your sleeve
Waiting on a path
The kind you can't conceive
But wish you could take
Wish you could leave
I wish you could see
It leads you to me

, e

"Lincoln's Eyes"
(link ed2k)

What explodes like a fractal
Pops like a light bulb
Looks really awful
At four in the morning
Moves with a dead stare
Coils around your ankles
Fangs long as neckties
And strikes without warning
What implodes like a Zeppelin
Cracks like a pavement
Smokes in the basement
And know when your lying
Comes to a dead stop
Forgives you like Jesus
Cold as a windchill
With eyes like Abe Lincoln
What is dark like a birthmark
Pulls like a magnet
Male and female
And covets like a dragon
Grows to a shark length
Contracts to amoeba
Lives in your soul
And loves you like I do
What appears like an angel
Stabs like a dagger
Fills you with light
And bleeds you of matter
Comes to a dead stop
Forgives you like Jesus
Hands you a love
Only found in the Vedas
What explodes like a fractal
Pops like a light bulb
Strolls in like Joel Gray
At four in the morning
Armed with a big nose
Fragile as a sea horse
Lives in your soul
And loves you like I do