notícia avulsa #010
UK soldiers 'freed from militia' [@BBC News]
"Segundo as autoridades locais, um agente terá desconfiado da atitude dos dois homens, que envergavam vestes árabes, e quando se aproximou foi abatido a tiro. Os dois britânicos acabariam por ser detidos e levados para a prisão local." [@PUBLICO.PT]
"Basra governor Mohammed al-Waili said the men - possibly working undercover - were arrested for allegedly shooting dead a policeman and wounding another."
" "Later in the day, however, I became more concerned about the safety of the two soldiers after we received information that they had been handed over to militia elements." "
" "At the point of a 30mm cannon - no shots were fired - but at the point of this cannon, the Iraqi police gave away the location of where the two British soldiers had been taken," he said."
" "We remain committed to helping the Iraqi government for as long as they judge that a coalition presence is necessary to provide security." "
I'm on fire, baby!
adenda: não houve feridos graves na sequência deste incidente
(se não contarmos os iraquianos como pessoas, isto é)
mais info:
- A notícia no PUBLICO.PT
- Iraqi insurgency @ Wikipedia
- Future of Iraq Portal
"Segundo as autoridades locais, um agente terá desconfiado da atitude dos dois homens, que envergavam vestes árabes, e quando se aproximou foi abatido a tiro. Os dois britânicos acabariam por ser detidos e levados para a prisão local." [@PUBLICO.PT]
"Basra governor Mohammed al-Waili said the men - possibly working undercover - were arrested for allegedly shooting dead a policeman and wounding another."
" "Later in the day, however, I became more concerned about the safety of the two soldiers after we received information that they had been handed over to militia elements." "
" "At the point of a 30mm cannon - no shots were fired - but at the point of this cannon, the Iraqi police gave away the location of where the two British soldiers had been taken," he said."
" "We remain committed to helping the Iraqi government for as long as they judge that a coalition presence is necessary to provide security." "

adenda: não houve feridos graves na sequência deste incidente
(se não contarmos os iraquianos como pessoas, isto é)
mais info:
- A notícia no PUBLICO.PT
- Iraqi insurgency @ Wikipedia
- Future of Iraq Portal
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