21 outubro 2005

Animal Collective ao vivo

Hoje fui (fomos) ver Animal Collective em Cacilhas, tudo organizado pela ZdB (que teve a originalidade de juntar o bilhete ida-e-volta do cacilheiro Cais do Sodré/Cacilhas no bilhete do concerto).

O armazém onde o concerto decorreu é um bom espaço - não me surpreenderia vir a saber que terá servido como salão de execuções por enforcamento no século XIX; ou como armazém matutino de pesca grossa, dado o ambiente do mesmo. E espero que a ZdB faça mais vezes este esquema de transportar as pessoas ao colo para Cacilhas oferecendo o bilhete de cacilheiro. Já me tinha esquecido quão bonita Lisboa é de noite vista de Cacilhas.

Quanto ao concerto em si, fico contente por ter constatado a capacidade de re-invenção da banda que apresentou o seu último álbum, "Feels". Álbum esse que tem dois ou três temas que no meu ranking são das melhores músicas do ano para quem gosta do género, que é por eles auto-apelidado de "psycho-pop" (parece-me mais "psycho-folk", i.m.h.o.). No geral, foi muito bom e o ambiente era porreiro. Os Animal Collective estão de boa saúde e recomendam-se vivamente.

I've joined the farm. Won't you?

15 outubro 2005

excerto de uma inferência Björkiana

" Dá para imaginar.. aquelas paisagens
verdes, verdes de gelo.
Cobertas, vivas e mortas ao mesmo tempo -
- num estado de paralisia imutável e.. no entanto.

No entanto - movem-se, debaixo do gelo.
E dá para ouvi-las no meio da noite, o gelo a gemer.
A tortura que é o seu movimento, debaixo do gelo... "

10 outubro 2005

"coisas simples"

Sair de uma festa de aniversário de arromba às 7 da manhã directamente para as aulas às 8 da manhã, numa manhã chuvosa.

07 outubro 2005

dias e notas na Bulgária, parte III

Não sei se já disse, mas na Bulgária há muitos alfarrabistas na rua a vender livros antigos por tuta e meia. Sempre que tinha tempo parava para ver o que tinham - a maior parte dos livros estão escritos em cirílico, que para mim é tão fácil de entender quanto o sânscrito arcaico. Mas lá havia a ocasional estante de literatura escrita em inglês.

Sempre quis ler D.H. Lawrence, e aproveitei, já que encontrei o "The Prussian Officer and Other Stories", que me ocupou boa parte dos tempos mortos. No geral, gostei da sua maneira de escrever, descrever e pensar, fora um ou outro conto mais maçudo.

Gostei imenso do conto "Daughters of the Vicar", do qual transcrevo um excerto particularmente bom:

"Alfred Durant looked at her inquiringly, for her service. He had always that intelligent readiness to serve, since he had been in the Navy. But there was a simple independence in his willingness, which she loved. She felt nevertheless it was hard to get at him. He was so deferential, quick to take the slightest suggestion of an order from her, implicitly, that she could not get at the man in him.

He looked at her very keenly. She noticed his eyes were golden brown, with a very small pupil, the kind of eyes that can see a long way off. He stood alert, at military attention. His face was still rather weather-reddened.

“Do you want pen and paper?” he asked, with deferential suggestion to a superior, which was more difficult for her than reserve.

“Yes, please,” she said.

He turned and went downstairs. He seemed to her so self-contained, so utterly sure in his movement. How was she to approach him? For he would take not one step towards her. He would only put himself entirely and impersonally at her service, glad to serve her, but keeping himself quite removed from her. She could see he felt real joy in doing anything for her, but any recognition would confuse him and hurt him. Strange it was to her, to have a man going about the house in his shirt-sleeves, his waistcoat unbuttoned, his throat bare, waiting on her. He moved well, as if he had plenty of life to spare. She was attracted by his completeness. And yet, when all was ready, and there was nothing more for him to do, she quivered, meeting his questioning look.

As she sat writing, he placed another candle near her. The rather dense light fell in two places on the overfoldings of her hair till it glistened heavy and bright, like a dense golden plumage folded up. Then the nape of her neck was very white, with fine down and pointed wisps of gold. He watched it as it were a vision, losing himself. She was all that was beyond him, of revelation and exquisiteness. All that was ideal and beyond him, she was that— and he was lost to himself in looking at her. She had no connection with him. He did not approach her. She was there like a wonderful distance. But it was a treat, having her in the house. Even with this anguish for his mother tightening about him, he was sensible of the wonder of living this evening. The candles glistened on her hair, and seemed to fascinate him. He felt a little awe of her, and a sense of uplifting, that he and she and his mother should be together for a time, in the strange, unknown atmosphere. And, when he got out of the house, he was afraid. He saw the stars above ringing with fine brightness, the snow beneath just visible, and a new night was gathering round him. He was afraid almost with obliteration. What was this new night ringing about him, and what was he? He could not recognize himself nor any of his surroundings. He was afraid to think of his mother. And yet his chest was conscious of her, and of what was happening to her. He could not escape from her, she carried him with her into an unformed, unknown chaos."

05 outubro 2005

ouvido: Material - Hallucination Engine (1993)

Que Bill Laswell é um 'monstro' já me tinha apercebido. Mas desconhecia este seu "side-kick", o projecto Material, que ouvi quase ao acaso e vim a saber que envolvia o Laswell.
Ainda só ouvi o Hallucination Engine, mas quero ouvir a discografia restante.

E como hoje estou preguiçoso, a allmusic está cá para me fazer a papa:

"One of the most high-profile projects of the endlessly prolific bassist and producer Bill Laswell, Material pioneered a groundbreaking fusion of jazz, funk, and punk that also incorporated elements of hip-hop and world music well before either's entrance into the mass cultural consciousness. Formed in 1979, the first Material lineup consisted of Laswell, multi-instrumentalist Michael Beinhorn, and drummer Fred Maher, all three staples of the downtown New York City underground music scene."

Bill Laswell

01 outubro 2005

pensamento do dia
