ainda 'o' Katrina

"Everyone knows that the Bible is filled with stories of storms that clearly outperformed these so-called "Cat5" storms. We simply aren't telling the whole story when we arbitrarily designate these current storms as the strongest category storm we can experience.
Hurricanes are natural occurances. Who knows more about nature - God, who created it, or scientists, who are human and can only observe it? God wrote the Bible, which is the owner's manual for Earth. By ignoring the meteorological evidence in the Bible, we are ignoring the context of all history. And, of course, we need to remember that the theory behind Saffir-Simpson is just that, a theory. Ipso facto ergo elk, we need a scale that more accurately reflects both sides of the story.
The new scale, which I suggest should be called the Miraculous Reality Scale, would have three benchmarks:
Category Luke 8:22-25: describes a storm that can be calmed by devine intervention but which is frightening to people with weak faith. This would also help describe storms that led mere mortals to call for inconvenient and costly evacuations just before they changed course or weakened, sending them wobbling harmlessly out to sea.
Category Exodus 14: 15-17: describes a storm with winds strong enough to part a sea and devour our enemies.
Category Genesis 6:5-9:19: describes storms with enough power to destroy nearly all life on Earth.
Obviously, the Miraculous Reality scale gives us some much needed room to grow when it comes to understanding the power of the storms that lie in our future as well as some reassurance that they are nothing compared to the storms of our shared Judeo-Christian past."
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